Thursday, February 14, 2013

CBC interviews King's Point Pottery Gallery and Gifts

Wow, thanks go out to Lindsay Bird of CBC tv who interviewed us this week! She was right here in King's Point at our gallery! We talked about winning the top retailer award for Atlantic Canada, Art Smarts and our hopes for the area. If you didn't see it or want to see it again here it is. Please click on the following link to see the piece that appeared on Here and Now NL, 12 Feb 2013:

PS: If you are using an ipad for some reason the link doesn't always work (it sends you to another part of cbc)..a pc seems fine (goes right to the video)? If you go to the cbc web site and type in kings point pottery you can easily find the video but maybe it has something to do with flash or maybe I have an old ipad?

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